Priya Jagannathan

February Newsletter : The Onset of Spring: Beauty and joy for your brokenness

Priya Jagannathan
February Newsletter : The Onset of Spring: Beauty and joy for your brokenness

February is an important month in our family, it is also a time when the onset of spring is something we all look forward to. It has been a wild year with all the uncertainties in the economy and the Pandemic. This Pandemic has brought a lot of brokenness in different arenas of people's lives: in their careers, finances, education, health, and relationships. It has also reminded us of the value of people in our everyday lifestyle. As I was strolling through the beach, I saw this shell on the seashore that captured my imagination. It was fragile and broken yet was exquisitely beautiful in so many ways. There are many facets of beauty and the things we go through in life can mold and shape us into the unique creation we were meant to be. I believe we will receive beauty and joy for every broken area in our lives as we keep our expectations high.

I have always been an optimist and tend to keep hoping and dreaming, this is a quality that can get you up on dreary days, and help you move forward. Moving forward is key to our fulfillment in this life, having said that, I would like to encourage each one of my readers to hope again and dream again. Things may seem down when you look around, but get your spirits high as there is hope, and where there is hope there is a way forward. So, don’t be afraid to hope for better things and dream again, because Hope deferred makes your heart sick and you can't move forward with a sick heart.

This Month in the Kitchen we will highlight Grapefruit in our Ingredient Spotlight and discuss Why You Are What You Eat. We will also make a sweet treat with moong dal in our recipe section. You see, Sweets don’t always have to be loaded with butter and sugar, and having said that, I hope and pray that you will keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!