Tomatillo—Physalis philadelphica/ixocarpa

Tomatillo—Physalis philadelphica/ixocarpa

Tomatillo belongs to the genus Physalis and belongs to the Solanaceae family. This edible crop is rich in minerals and vitamins, which include potassium and vitamin C, and has some key anti-cancer agents that are beneficial to health, which we will explore in this section.

Composition and effects on health:

  • The tomatillo is rich in phytonutrients like lutein, zeaxanthin,minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, K. They may vary in color from green to yellow to purple.

  • The main anticancer agents isolated include the withanolides.

  • These withanolides exhibit cytotoxicity to cancer cells and have potent anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Withanolides may have an effect on a rate-limiting step in cancer growth—they seem to inhibit isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), which participates in the tricarboxylic cycle in cancer growth.

  • There are several types of withanolides that can act on other steps of cancer growth, including interfering with energy metabolism, while others may favor apoptosis or cell death of cancer cells. Taking this into account, we can view tomatillo as a functional food with anti-tumor benefits.

  • Iox A, a withanolide of interest, has shown promise in future pancreatic cancer prevention research.

The above topic outlines the various nutritional benefits of tomatilloes. As always, I wish you to keep a focus on your nutrition, eat a healthy-diversified diet, and live long and strong!