Oats—Avena sativa L

This crop has been cultivated since ancient times, well before wheat and barley, and has numerous health benefits. In this section, we will review the nutritional composition and health benefits of this prized crop.


This cereal is rich in carbohydrates, soluble fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, and lipids. Oat beta-glucan, a viscous polysaccharide, is a major component of the soluble fiber that contributes to oats' health benefits. Oats also have antioxidants like sterols, tocols, and phenolic compounds( avenanthramides, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, etc.). Oats also contain saponins like avenacins, avenacosides, etc., which contribute to their anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory, and anticarcinogenic properties.

Health benefits:

  • Cholesterol modulation: Oats help decrease levels of cholesterol by inhibiting cholesterol reabsorption in the intestine. Oat consumption also decreases the levels of serum and liver cholesterol.

  • Gut health: Along with decreasing the levels of cholesterol, oats increase levels of short-chain fatty acids that serve as a nutrient source for the colonocytes and gut microorganisms, which in turn contribute to immune regulation and overall health.

  • Glucose regulation: consumption of this cereal helps control blood sugar levels and decrease the levels of insulin.

  • Weight control: Oats, when consumed, increase the duration of fullness or satiety, thereby decreasing appetite and energy intake and contributing to effective weight management. In experimental studies involving mice, beta-glucan consumption in oats helped decrease body weight and body fat.

  • Anticancer effects: Oat intake have anti-carcinogenic properties by decreasing cell proliferation in cancer cells.

  • Immunomodulation: The intake of oats helps protect against bacterial and viral pathogens and also induces the immune system to attack these pathogens.

As elaborated above, we can see that this humble cereal has a multitude of health benefits. As always, take decisions in collaboration with your health care professional and keep your health at the center focus and liver long and strong!