July Newsletter: Your Gift!

July Newsletter: Your Gift!

Relationships are the key to a successful human existence. When we look through history, we hear stories of people groups overcoming the odds through teamwork and compassion towards one another. As humans, we were created as social beings. We were meant to exist in groups of individuals who were meant to support and nurture each other. We have, however, seen the breakdown of trust in relationships—there has been competition and rivalry that have separated once-close friendships. If you understand the root of these things, you will understand that they are all rooted in jealousy and hatred. If you look at our genetic makeup, we were never created as genetic clones—we all have distinct strengths and characteristics that make us different from each other.

We were are in essence fearfully and wonderfully made—so why is one person unhappy when seeing another person's success when you were all created to do things that have distinct collineation? Even as physicians, engineers, designers, etc., you were never meant to be a copy, so why do you strive to be a copycat? You have a secret formula that sets you apart and is the factor that puts you in a category separate from others. Our lives goal must be to find that secret factor and walk in it, rather than grow jealous and weary at another person's success. Too many people are comparing themselves with others and growing in hatred and disillusionment. I encourage you to find your gift and manifest it in this world, for we are in need of this gift.


This Month in the Kitchen, we will make ‘’Yachaejeon" in our Recipe Section. In our Health Spotlight, we will look at the properties of oats and their health benefits. In our Monthly Why section, we will discuss why calcium intake is vital for health. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!