Monthly Newsletter—Healthy relationships and healthy lives

Monthly Newsletter—Healthy relationships and healthy lives

Every single person on the face of the earth longs for healthy interactions with their fellow humans—in whatever form it may be: parental and child relationships, siblings, aunts, uncles, friends, spouses, co-workers, etc. Whatever form it takes, a relationship is meant to build each other up with reciprocity each way! However, we are seeing more and more people trapped in relationships that harness tools like manipulation, coercion, abuse, and hatred. The question I would like to ask you this month is: Are these really worth your time and effort?

We all know the cycle of life and death, and we all know that no one is going to live forever, yet we go through life tolerating abusive relationships that steal our peace. Don't get me wrong, even the best relationships have misunderstandings; however, if your forever harvest is pain, shame, and condemnation, ask yourself this question: Is this worth your life? Are you trapped because it is a parental relationship, a sibling, a spouse, a friend, whatever it may be? If you have been silent, it is time to speak up, and if it is dangerous, it is time to seek help. Do not sell your worth short! If, despite all the talking and help, it still does not work out, it probably was not meant to be. Some unhappy souls are embroiled in a cycle of manipulation, hatred, and coercion; this is the air they breathe, and this is how they view any relationship. In other cases, they think they can do it to you over and over again and get away with it—there is a word for that, and that's called abuse. It is time to stop kidding yourself and face the truth. If you do not help yourself, no one else will. Take that step today!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will discuss dragon fruit in our Ingredient Spotlight. We’ll also make a vegan green papaya salad in our Recipe Section. In our Monthly Why, we will explore why using the sauna as part of your routine can yield health benefits. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!

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