June Newsletter: Offense

June Newsletter: Offense

As we go through the many phases of life, we have all been offended in one way or another. It may be in the workplace, at home, among family members, in church, in politics, with friends, etc. Offense rears its filthy head wherever we turn. Offense seems very subtle, but it is the number one killer of dreams and destinies everywhere. It is the breaker of marriages, the destroyer of friendships, and the root cause of all hatred.

As humans, we were created to live in relationship with one another, yet people brew up offense everywhere they turn. Relationships thrive on trust, and when this trust is violated, offense reigns supreme. I want to encourage you today that you can make a difference in this vicious cycle of defeat. My answer is simple: forgive when someone you invested in gives you the cold shoulder; forgive when someone you helped abandons you when you need them the most; forgive when a friend you loved much stabs you in the back; forgive when you helped and they forsook you; forgive when a husband has violated your trust; and on and on. As long as you hold on, you will never heal. If, however, you hand them over to their Creator, He deals with their hearts in the best way possible. Yes, they may never change—but remember, your job was just to forgive and let go. Choices have consequences, and it's not your job to keep picking after people; it's just your job to forgive and love, as you have a destiny to fulfill just like them!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will make Gado-gado in our recipe section and discuss Green Beans in our ingredient section. In our Monthly Why, we will discuss why Gluten can be harmful to you! As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!