November Newsletter: Think ahead!

We are in the season of thanksgiving, a time to look back at the many blessings and look forward to brighter days ahead. I always believe that my days ahead are better than the days that have passed.
Life has many seasons and seasons were never meant to last forever; they are meant to transition into newer more exciting times in our lives. I believe that my days are growing brighter like the noonday sun, and this is what everyone should believe. Movies, TV series, books, and talk shows are always talking about doom and gloom, but have you noticed that what you believe in is a choice? You can choose to believe in an optimistic or pessimistic way, it's your choice. Even patients with terminal disease do better when they are optimistic—what does that say to us? It teaches us that a positive outlook is very important in our life. Therefore, choose to believe in life and not in failure and despair!
This Month in the Kitchen we will make Savory Cornbread in our Recipe Section and we will also give you the nutritional benefits of the Prickly Pear Fruit in our Ingredient Spotlight. In our Monthly Why we will discuss why obesity can fuel chronic disease processes. As always, I pray that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!