February—as we await the blooms of spring!

February—as we await the blooms of spring!

This is a wonderful time in my household as we look forward to the arrival of spring! The winter winds down gently, and we are closer to warmer days and cool breezes. Our lives are enveloped by seasons as well, and every season is followed by our individual growth. This growth can take on so many different forms. My interest is in our spiritual growth as we grow to be better stewards of the gifts given to us by the Almighty—our family, friends, careers, health, wellness, and peace. I spend my days in thanksgiving, knowing that it was given as a gift, and I thank the Giver of the gifts. I realize that Thanksgiving is central to our joy and peace of mind. 

When we live in a state of thanksgiving, we can live our days in peace—a peace that surpasses understanding! This season, I would encourage you to take inventory of the good more than the bad and watch your life seem more abundant in joy than ever before!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will discuss poblano peppers in our Ingredient Section, and in our Monthly Why section, we will discuss why outdoor physical activity can be good for you. In our Recipe Section, we will make cream of mushroom soup without the cream. As always, I wish that you keep your health and nutrition in center focus and live long and strong!