September Newsletter: Chasing Peace in Our Lives

September Newsletter: Chasing Peace in Our Lives

We are seeing an ever-changing geopolitical picture worldwide, and things are happening so fast that it has put everyone in a state of stress and anxiety. Turmoil, destruction, hatred, and violence is the news you see in every media outlet out there. There is more bad than good news to report; have you wondered why this is the case? It is because it is true; however, it is also true that bad news gets more traction in the news, social media outlets, newspapers, and magazines. Everyone's mind is sensitized to expect more bad than good. This is also the case with respect to your future, your relationships, your health, and your finances. Everyone has an expectation of more bad outcomes than good outcomes—it is important to examine if our expectations are also driving the results. We have seen that even in challenging circumstances when the expectation of good outweighs bad, there are better outcomes more often. I believe a good expectation makes us pursue good decisions and therefore good outcomes more often than bad. When you are expecting bad, you are under stress, depression, and anxiety and can make decisions that can aid bad outcomes—your mental state matters 100%.

Taking all this into account, I would encourage you to pursue peace and harmony in everything you look at. This will give you a state of mental wellbeing that harnesses the tremendous power of the human mind to make the right decisions that will lead to more good outcomes than bad. And if there is a bad outcome, look rationally at it and change your decisions to change the outcome to something more favorable to you!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will make Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff in our Ingredient Section. We will elaborate on the properties of Asafoetida or Hing in our Health Spotlight and also touch on why Dental Hygiene is beneficial to health in our Monthly Why section. As always, I wish that you keep your health and nutrition in center focus and live long and strong!