March Newsletter: Beyond Crutches—Fortitude

Life is not simple these days; it is plagued with a multitude of questions that keep bombarding and questioning our everyday decisions. Nowadays, there is always a specialist to answer every question: a health coach, a work-life balance coach, a marriage counselor, a student counselor, etc. These are all good things, but if we also focus on building ourselves up from the inside out, will this also help us have better outcomes? Where will you go when the specialists are out of reach? Help is good, and we should reach out for it whenever we need it, but we must also have the fortitude to make brave decisions based on the life lessons we learn along the way. These life lessons will be the difference between life and destruction when all hell breaks loose.
Movies, the news, and television often supplant gruesome images in our mind, and this can affect the way we view things and also cause negative thinking and depressive episodes. These maniacal lifestyles make for good drama and a Grammy or an Emmy, but do they help shape your life for the better? These are the questions that only you can answer, so choose wisely.
This Month in the Kitchen, we will talk about Walnuts in our Health Spotlight and make Palak Tofu (a variation of the much richer Palak Paneer) in the Ingredient Section. In our Monthly Why section, we will discuss whether drinking red wine can be healthy—myth or truth? I hope that you will be an advocate for yourself, and I encourage you to question the status quo and not accept every answer—stay curious. As always, I wish you to keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!