December Newsletter - Hope in the midst of uncertainty!

It has been an uphill battle for many people in today’s situation with COVID. People are facing uncertainty with respect to work, finances, education, health, the future, and relationships. It seems like a roller coaster that goes up and down with no breaks! What do you do in this time of turmoil? Nobody has the best response to this question. How do we ease the anxiety and surmounting stress? I can only think of one thing and that is to hope for better times and trust that things will get better.
Have courage! What does this mean? My definition for courage is very simple, it simply means that when things are going haywire, believe that you will overcome and have a picture of overcoming in your mind all the time! The more you focus on the negative situation, there is no hope of improving your outcome or clearing your mind. I have sometimes noticed these talkshows that focus on spilling out all your emotions in front of a great audience, and I do not see it helping anyone. The person affected never gets better, as they are always a victim in their minds and the minds of others and other people witnessing this get disturbed as well. It makes for good TV ratings, but does it help anyone? I don’t see it helping, the only reality is that the victim feels appeased for the moment, but the trauma is replayed over and over again in their minds. So what is the solution? I would say the two best tools are Hope and Faith. These two treasures can lift you up out of the rut. Whenever you are reminded of a negative situation , have courage, hope, and believe in your future! This will clear your mind and allow you to think about the solution, whatever it may be. So I leave you with this thought: During this wonderful Christmas season - Have Courage, Faith, and Hope to believe in what lies ahead, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
This Month in the Kitchen we will talk about Onion in our Ingredient Spotlight and make Cardamom flavored Coconut Milk Flan in our recipe section. We will also elaborate about Kidney dysfunction in our Monthly Why section. I’m also excited to announce that we will be launching our podcast on health topics like hypertension, high cholesterol, and many more good topics, and will give you my 10 minute take as a physician on how to stay connected with your provider and take care of your health. So stay tuned for that and as always I wish that you live long and strong!