January Newsletter: Be mindful of what you meditate on!

 January Newsletter: Be mindful of what you meditate on!

The New Year has started, and along with it, we have new resolutions and goals for our lives. Time keeps rolling on, irrespective of whether you're sleeping or awake, irrespective of whether you are living your best or merely existing. The quality of life depends on our minds' meditation.

The knowledge of God is a spiritual experience that can become a physical reality on earth, depending on your heart’s meditation. You were given the mind to reason and draw out solutions that can impact and effect change in your life. When your mind's meditation is constantly on things that will stir turmoil like squabbles, accidents, unforgiveness, hatred, vengeance, sickness, disease, and disaster, your mind grows uneasy and unstable, and this will affect your life's decisions in a negative way—creating, in essence, bad outcomes.

I encourage you this year to watch what you meditate on—meditating on things that are good, noble, and just—things that have a good outcome and bring joy to your heart. As you train yourself to do this, watch your outlook change and your mind calm down to make healthy decisions that will fuel your destiny to fruition!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will discuss monk fruit in our Ingredient Spotlight. We will also discuss why sleep can create rejuvenation in your health and improve your quality of life. We will finally make a healthy quinoa and tofu salad in our Recipe Section to fuel your day with plant protein and phytonutrients. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!