Season's greetings! —December Newsletter

Season's greetings! —December Newsletter

I wish all of my readings seasons greetings! This is a wonderful time of the year, especially because of the many blessings afforded to us as individuals. I thank the Almighty for the gift of life and liberty that can easily be taken for granted in this world of turmoil. Social media, television, and various platforms of communication show us that freedom is not free and that many areas in this world are replete with war and barbaric rituals that are inflicted on innocent human beings. This world is far from fair, and the only thing that really matters the most is faith and family; everything else is up in the air, intermingled with a whirlwind of instability. 

What are the constants in your life? My core strengths are my belief system, my values, and my family. What are yours? Nothing is a constant in this world, except what we invest in the lives of the people around us, and this is what you reap one way or the other. We are all essentially farmers sowing and reaping good and bad seeds. It's your choice what you choose to reap, so choose wisely!

In this Month in the Kitchen, we will discuss the role of Nutrition in Pain management and Relief. Is nutrition that important? You bet it is! We will also make Gluten-free Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Banana icing without excess sugar and no butter. We will also elaborate on Grapes in our Ingredient section. As always, I wish that you keep your health and nutrition in center focus and live long and strong!