November Newsletter—Let us give thanks!

November Newsletter—Let us give thanks!

The season of Thanksgiving is here, and the season of celebration is around the corner. What a wonderful time for each one of us to remember the many blessings in our life. I always focus on how God gave me the best in the universe—that may seem boastful to you, but to me, what I have is my treasure that the Lord blessed me with. I believe that a spirit of thanksgiving heals our hearts of all the unhappy bad interactions that can happen in this walk of life. The Creator is the one who places the lonely in families. He is the giver of good friends, good relationships, and every blessing under the sun. So let us give thanks together and appreciate the relationships more than material things. 

Life is a gift, and it was meant to be one led with a heart filled with thanksgiving. I assure you, as a Physician, this is for your whole person—body, soul, and spirit. I encourage you to focus on the blessings that have been given to you even though you did not deserve them. In this pessimistic world, I would challenge you to stay amazed at the goodness given to you and expect more good to come your way!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will make Roasted Cauliflower and Tomato with Edamame, in our Ingredient Spotlight, and we will elaborate on Persimmon. In our Monthly Why section, we will discuss why Muscle health is important to your wellbeing. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!