January Newsletter 2025—The Frail Reality of Life

The New Year is a time of new beginnings for many, but it is also a time of great change and hardship for others. The changing landscapes of human existence are dynamic entities that are forever unfolding and molding and changing the way people perceive their everyday realities. The wildfires in California have been a gripping wake-up call to the way everyone values each day. Life is to be lived day by day, with a special focus on the important things that make our life worth living. If everyone did this, existence as we know it now would be forever changed in a blink of the eye.
We were meant to live with purpose and not in a monotonous, robotic fashion—when the world attempts to bend you into that shape and form, refuse to conform. Big corporations and world economies may view persons as small toy soldiers that can be sacrificed with ease, but we are all individuals with a purpose and destiny. I encourage you to embrace your purpose and make every day count for yourself
This Month in the Kitchen we will explore broccoli in our Ingredient Spotlight and make almond chocolate chip cookies in our recipe showcase. We will also explore why Insulin resistance is something you want to prevent in our Monthly Why section. As always, I wish that you keep your health and nutrition in center focus and live long and strong!