September Newsletter—Actions have consequences

September Newsletter—Actions have consequences

We live in a fast-paced world where change is in the air, and if we do not stay in touch with the change, it seems as if we will become obsolete! My question is: how much of this change is good change? In the medical world, newer advances have led to breakthrough discoveries that have helped millions of patients. Changes in the technological world have made us a more connected race in every respect, but how about other changes with bad consequences?

The way we show courtesy and respect has deteriorated. The decorum of respect and integrity has faded away in this world of fast-paced change, and this has led to a fragmentation of societal norms. Things that seemed normal are no longer normal. We have seen a use-and-throw society; this may work well for trash, but for relationships, it spells disaster. If you sow apple seeds you get an apple tree, if you sow strife, heartache, slander, and hatred, you will receive your harvest akin to what you sow whether you expect it or not. 

Beware what you sow; your actions have consequences, and the good you sow will return with a harvest of good, but your ill actions that you sow in secret will be rewarded publicly with shame and dishonor. Take responsibility for your actions and sow good seed, so you can patiently expect a good harvest. Make a mark on this world that will impact the people in it positively.

This Month in the Kitchen, we will make garlic chili tofu and vegetables. We will also discuss figs in our Health Spotlight. In our Monthly Why section we will elaborate on the benefits of a Mediterranean diet. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!