February Newsletter : ‘’It’s a Crabby , Crabby World!''

February Newsletter : ‘’It’s a Crabby , Crabby World!''

We have started a brand new decade and we have so many things to look forward to. Life is not always fair. Many times we expect people to treat us with courtesy, but that is not always the case. We learn as children to treat others the way you want to be treated, but does that translate into real life?—very seldomly. This is the reality we live with…Parents who forget to smile, Spouses who forget to hug and greet their partners, Teachers who lack encouraging words for their pupils, Children who lack respect—the list goes on and on. Why is this the reality? That is why it is a Crabby, Crabby world. In this world, you have to stop relying on another person’s ability to encourage you and make your day. This is not always easy, often, it can feel outright lonely! People are often so wound-up in their emotions, that they feel victimized and isolated. Even in situations where you have helped people, these same people lack basic courtesy, it is amazing, but the truth. Remember, your good works do not always trigger a positive response!

You should do it for the greater good and not for the triggering response, as people and their emotions change constantly! Your life will be a rollercoaster if you rely on a person’s response and gestures! Having said this, I would encourage you to be your very best, without caring about the response you get or don’t get. The important truth is that you are maturing and developing yourself into a person who is sowing good, and with time you will reap your harvest!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will make Chicken with Spinach Pesto and discuss Spinach in our ingredient spotlight. We will also talk about why we should eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables in our Monthly Why section. As always, I encourage you to eat mindfully and live long and strong!