March Newsletter: Freedom is not free

March Newsletter: Freedom is not free

Freedom is something we all want, something that was endowed upon us by our creator. It is experienced under different names and one of them is free will. We are free to choose—this is not something to be taken lightly. We have not all realized that this freedom needs defending, just like a child and a baby needs defending. There are always forces that come against it to try to chop it down, forces aimed at subjugating people to conform to one ideology.

Tyrannical forces are not just inherent to this age and time, but they have prevailed through all our existence. We must learn to appreciate the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our country. Showing respect, support, and love for these individuals is the least we can do for them.

We must realize that if Freedom was free, it would not need defending, but the fact is that it is a vulnerable gift that needs to be protected with all our might, as we cannot exist as free beings without it.

This Month in the Kitchen we will discuss Brazil nuts in our Health Spotlight, and we will also make Asian Glass noodles with veggies in our Recipe section. In our Monthly Why section, we will discuss why sleep and meal timing can affect our metabolism and weight. As always, I would encourage you to keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!