2023—A fresh start!

2023—A fresh start!

2023 is finally here, and we all look forward to what this year will bring. I don't know how the previous year has been but let me encourage you to look forward to what lies ahead. There are many seasons in life, and each one is rife with challenges that shape the course of our lives. 

Many times, the way we respond to these issues can have long lasting effects that mold our minds to look with positive or negative expectation to the future. I have always had a positive expectation, and this is the hope that always serves to buoy me in every circumstance of life. Perspective is just as important as the situations in our lives. An uplifting outlook can cause you to surpass all your friends and loved ones in this journey of life. So, live well!

This Month in The Kitchen we will make Organic Coconut flour Brownies without butter! We will review the health benefits of Almonds in our Ingredient Section, and in our Monthly Why, we will discuss why drinking black tea can be beneficial to your health. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!