June - A time of recollection and contemplation!

June - A time of recollection and contemplation!

We are entering the months of summer with much enthusiasm and anticipation. The summer months hold a sense of nostalgia and promise for the many dreams that we hold near to our hearts. It is a time to renew our minds and our hearts. Summer is a time to reconnect in a special way with the important people in our lives.

I always look at this season as a time to recharge, relax, recollect, and contemplate on the many phases in my life. I weigh various goals and agendas in my life. Knowledge is available to us in so many different ways, and not all knowledge is good! It is entirely our decision to take in the knowledge that builds us up, and trash the knowledge that tears us down. Too much emphasis on un-needed knowledge, leads to disturbances in our mind, body, and spirit. Let us meditate on the things that are acceptable and good, things that will grow our families into a united company of people who love, support, respect, and encourage each other. There are media programs that can tear down families and others that can build them up. You need to choose from the productive and the unproductive. Care about the things you see and hear, for this will determine the direction of your life. Just like when you feed your body garbage, it breaks down, in the same way, if you feed your mind gossip, political discord, anger, strife, and evil, this will begin to manifest in your life, so choose wisely — you only have one life to live, live it well for all to see, especially your children and loved ones.

This month in the kitchen, I’m going to talk about the health benefits of herbs, like cilantro and we will also showcase Organic Tofu and Lentil soup in our recipes. As always, my wish is that you live Long and Strong!