December - A Season to Celebrate your Family and Friends

December - A Season to Celebrate your Family and Friends

The year is almost over! The weather is getting colder, but our hearts are warmed by those who are dearest and most precious to our lives. December is all about your family and friends and a time to think about what matters to you the most. When was the last time you expressed your love to a family member or friend?

Let us make a resolution to respect and honor the wonderful people in our lives. Take a step outside your comfort zone and express your love and friendship to someone around you. This may not be easy for you to do, yet for others it maybe something they do with such fluid expression. Why is that? It is because we all have different experiences in this life. Some life experiences are good, but many are bad. What do we do with these experiences? Do you stay a victim or do you rise above them? I can tell you something, joy and peace in your life is completely intentional. It will not fall on you like ripe apples from an apple tree, you will have to pursue these blessings with all your heart and soul. This is a decision for you to consider this season.

I will challenge you to make a decision to stay on higher ground, to do the right thing amidst an unfavorable environment. Let your life so shine for all to see. Your patient endurance will build strong character traits that will sustain you throughout your life.

As we anticipate the upcoming festivities , let us think about the meaning of these celebrations. I believe that sacrifice, redemption, forgiveness, liberty, and grace, are the foundational principles for peace and fullfillment. This is the time to unite and cherish our heritage, celebrate our differences and rise above the hate that is prevalent around us and our families.

This Month in the Kitchen:

As we go through December, we will talk about many holiday recipes which you can prepare this month. We will talk about the important points in regards to Cinnamon . We will also focus on Triple Spiced Cinnamon Milk Tea, Quinoa, Healthy Christmas Ceylon Tea cake with cardamom, Chicken and Spinach curry, and Glazed Scallops with Tamarind sauce. We will also talk about Sleep deprivation and Diabetes in our health section.

If you have a question you’d like me to answer? The doctor is in. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and tell me what you’d like to hear about.