July - A taste of summer

July -   A taste of summer

The months are getting warmer and more relaxing, what a wonderful time to connect with family and friends and reflect on the important things in life! We all have different goals/desires, different beliefs/religions, different skin tones/hair color/texture, and different likes/dislikes; yet we are all part of the same human family. Our differences make us unique and special, yet also cause us to war among each other. Why is that? Why are we competing, when we should be cooperating more together to make this place a better place? Why are we not thinking about why people lay homeless on street corners, why teens are dropping out of school, why drug trafficking is on the increase, and why the divorce rates are going up and families are being torn apart? Why is our focus not to build up, and why is it to hate and break down?

Interesting question, yet the answer is not in sight. Responsible men and women are the one’s who can build up a family, a school, a community, a town, a city, and a country. Let us not tear down, but strive to build up our homes by forging friendships and connections, and by living with principles. If each person could just focus on their homes and communities, this world will become a better place. Let us not blame the politicians, let us do our part! Let us think before we talk, and try to release words that will build up and not tear down.

Criticism does not need to be demeaning, it can be given with dignity and honor. Respect the other person and you will gain respect for yourself. You will be defined as a simpleton if you try to reap something you have never sown! So think before you sow with your pen and with your mouth, think about the harvest that will follow!

This month in the kitchen, we will talk about why weight management is so important and we will also focus on coconut as our special ingredient. In the recipe section, we will make our Indian-inspired Basmati rice Paella with Chicken. From my kitchen to yours, I wish you will live long and strong and make your life an example for others to follow!