Why is weight management so important? There is hope!

Why  is weight management so important?  There is hope!

Obesity has surged as an important cause of mortality and morbidity that people face. Scientific breakthroughs have established that the etiology of obesity is multifactorial, ranging from genetic, environmental, behavioral, neurohormonal, iatrogenic, and psychological causes. It is not as simple as we thought it was, especially for the patients who suffer from the obesity, along with a multitude of counter-regulatory processes that accompany this condition. This presents a challenge to patients and doctors alike. The good news is that newer research and strategies by means of behavioral/lifestyle, surgical, and medical approaches may help treat this condition in a multidisciplinary manner. Some approaches include the following:

Lifestyle/Behavioral : Adequate exercise daily, or at least 5 days a week, after being cleared by your Health-care provider may help put the body back into fat-burning mode .This must be accompanied by resistance training to help strengthen the muscles such that they may play an efficient role in energy expenditure. Adequate sleep and stress management also help in weight management.

Neurohormonal : Our gastrointestinal tract is an effective neurohormonal organ with extensive innervation and hormonal influences. Some of the hormones affecting weight include Leptin and Ghrelin — to name a few. These, along with many other hormones, play an important role in the counter-regulatory processes that may help or impede a person’s ability to lose weight. The good news is that these processes can be targeted by medications prescribed by your health-care provider if needed.

Environmental: Food-additives, emulsifiers, and artificial sweeteners are agents that play an important role in hindering a person’s ability to control weight. Newer research points to the micro-biome — the population of microbiota that inhabit one’s gut —as also having a role in energy expenditure. Elimination of highly- processed foods/semi-processed foods, intake of whole nutrients, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats may aid in promoting a healthy weight.

Genetic : Genetic receptor abnormalities and hormonal deficiency may also result in obesity, especially in young children with abnormal weight gain curves. In these cases, hormonal replacement may help control the weight abnormalities.

Surgical : Bariatric surgeries have revolutionized the treatment of obesity, especially in patients with uncontrolled diabetes and patients who have failed other behavioral/lifestyle and medical approaches. Medicines can also be used in conjunction with surgery as well, under the guidance of an obesity specialist.

Iatrogenic /Medication review : All medications have side effects, therefore, always go through medications and supplements with your health-care provider to examine if these agents cause weight gain. Sometimes simply changing the medications may help assist in weight loss as well.

Having discussed the above approaches, I will have to stress that we are exploring only a tip of the iceberg in this regard. Always discuss with your health-care provider about these approaches and stay informed about newer strategies and research. As always, I wish you live long and strong!