Omega Fatty acids:Why are they beneficial to health?

Research has shown that Omega 3 fatty acids are good for cardiovascular health, for lipid control and for overall health. The Omega 3 fatty acids include both the fatty acid from oily fish(long chain)—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as well as the ALA—alpha-linolenic acid from plants. In this section we will discuss the health benefits of these fatty acids.
Salient points:
These fatty acids are present in fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes, seaweeds, algae etc. These fatty acids are used to treat high cholesterol states.
The main use of this fatty acid is in the decreasing of the levels of triglycerides—this seems to happen by their effect on gene expression.
Omega fatty acids may act on a biological pathway called beta-oxidation to help break down fat and convert it into energy sources.
They may also have an indirect effect on the body's metabolic rate and in turn may alter the adiposity within the body. This may cause an increase in lean body mass which is beneficial to health.
Omega fatty acids are also known for their anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation plays a key role in causing chronic disease—Omega 3 fatty acids may help combat this.
Omega fatty acids may have a protective effect on tissues that have a higher fat content like Brain tissue and eye tissue—this may be the reason Omega fatty acids have a protective effect in neurodegenerative disorders of the brain and degenerative disorders of the retina.
Omega fatty acids may also have a beneficial effect and protect against atherosclerosis in the blood vessels which is a precursor to heart attacks.
It is important to note that omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids—meaning they cannot be synthesized in our bodies on their own and can only be obtained via diet. As always, I pray that you will keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!