Coffee is one of the most common beverages that are consumed throughout the world. Research has linked the consumption of coffee with protective effects against the development of liver disease, depression, neurodegenerative disorders of the brain, cancer, and diabetes. Science points to the benefits from drinking decaffeinated coffee as well, thus pointing to the varied compounds that may be contributing to health. In this section, we will explore the research and discuss the health benefits and harmful effects of this drink.
Coffee contains more than 800 different biologically active compounds, the most important of which are caffeine, chlorogenic acids, cafestol, kahweol, and diterpenes.
The roasted coffee bean and method of preparation change the green coffee bean in a biochemical way and increase the number of biological compounds by transforming them.
Every individual's genetic make-up and gut organisms can influence the way these agents are absorbed into their system; this points to the variability with which different people respond to coffee.
On reviewing a meta-analyses of observational research, coffee consumption was associated with Cardio-protective effects—the largest reduction in relative risk was observed with 3 cups of coffee a day.
Coffee consumption was also associated with a lower risk of Gallstone disease.
Neurological health: coffee consumption was associated with a lower risk of Depression, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
Consumption of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee offered protective effects on Metabolic health.
Some other benefits include Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Anti-fibrotic properties.
Coffee has a beneficial effect on liver health—it seems to offer protective effects against Hepato-cellular cancer and Liver cirrhosis.
Risks of Coffee consumption:
Like all caffeinated drinks, too much coffee may cause anxiety, palpitations, tremors, insomnia, headaches, worsening of heartburn, etc. Therefore, individual symptoms must be monitored to see how one responds to coffee consumption.
In pregnancy, coffee can increase the risk of preterm delivery and low-birth-weight infants. Coffee consumption has also been linked with an increased risk of fractures among women
In this review, we can see that there are risks and benefits to coffee consumption that can be based on genetic heterogeneity among different individuals, but there are clear benefits to brain, metabolic, and liver health. As always, stay well informed about the food you eat, keep your health in your center of your focus, and live long and strong!