Why a Low carb diet can be good for you?

Why a Low carb diet can be good for you?

Low carb diets are gaining more and more popularity as there is mounting evidence of their benefit in conditions like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, insulin resistance. Is it a wonder that sugar kills? We have known this truth forever but we have hid under the banner of low fat for decades. With the pandemic of obesity and mounting health care costs looming over our heads, we have finally lifted our heads out of the dirt to visualize the truth that has been before our eyes forever. In this section we will note the health benefits of a low carb diet. 

Classification of low carbohydrate diets :

Very Low-carbohydrate diet —20 to 50 g/d (<10% carbohydrates)

Low-carbohydrate diet — less than 130 g/d(<26% carbohydrates)

Efficacy of LCD and Mediterranean diet

When comparing a Mediterranean diet with a Low-carbohydrate diet of less that 130 g/d the following benefits were noted:

In this study 100 overweight/obese patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes were followed over a 16 week interval. Both groups were fed a hypocaloric diet with an energy deficit of 500 kcal/d. Anthropometric, bioimpedance, and biochemical measurements were taken before and after this period.

Both diets were beneficial to blood pressure, glucose levels, renal function, lipid levels, renal markers, and reduction in BMI and waist circumference.

It is important to note that the Low Carbohydrate group had comparatively better metabolic markers and reduction of cardiovascular risk factors than those on the Mediterranean diet.

A 1% decrease in the hemoglobin A1c is noted to decrease the risk of microvascular disease complications by 35%, and the risk of myocardial infarction and sudden death by 16%. This is a huge benefit to life quality and expectancy—this is why a LCD is an important consideration.

The problem we can encounter with a mediterranean diet is the high carbohydrate intake of about 50-60% of daily energy intake when compared to the <26% in a LCD.

It's important to note that no physical activity was promoted during this study—the results were mainly secondary to dietary changes.

LCD has facilitated greater weight loss, more satiety and less hunger, improved glycemic control, and decreased liver fat content.

From the above points we can see the benefits of a Low Carbohydrate diet when compared to a Mediterranean diet. It is important to count carbs in whatever diet you are undertaking, as this will improve metabolic health and decrease the incidence of mortality and morbidity. As always, I wish that you keep your health and nutrition in center focus and live long and strong!