Why is it important to look at your diet?

Why is it important to look at your diet?

Vegan vs. All-inclusive Diet:

Vegan Diet:

There has been a colossal conversion rate among people to embrace a vegan diet. Today’s society has changed remarkably and people are embracing new lifestyles for the betterment of their health. Different levels of society, from celebrities, to the everyday moms and dads, have been told about the drawbacks of an all-inclusive diet that includes animal proteins, vegetables, and grains. A vegan diet is one in which animal proteins like meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs are left out. This diet is low in saturated fat and rich in many phytonutrients and phyto-active agents that are found in vegetables . These are all true facts. However, we must also look at the other end of the spectrum. A vegan diet significantly lacks protein and essential nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin D, omega -3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, zinc, and other nutrients. Phytates found in plant-based foods may form insoluble complexes with the iron, making its absorption difficult. The bioavailability of these substances in vegan foods is quite low when compared to obtaining it from a diet that includes vegetables, meat, poultry, eggs, grains, and dairy. This simply means that they are not absorbed that easily. We must understand that these deficiencies can manifest as growth retardations, especially in children.

A vegan diet must be well balanced and planned. Let us take the most vegetarian country in the world, India, where veganism is embraced as part of the religion and culture. This society has a surprisingly increased rate of Heart attacks, Stroke, and Diabetes. Why is this the case? It is extremely hard to count carbohydrate intake on a vegan diet, and especially in the case of a diabetic patient living in India. The choices are all mostly carbohydrate based, therefore the vegan society ends up consuming large amounts of carbohydrates like rice, wheat, rye, legumes, lentils, maize, and barley. This can in turn lead to obesity and insulin resistance. Many people are trapped in fast-paced lifestyles where they lack the time and energy to exercise and burn away the excess carbohydrates they consume. Another important drawback to a vegan diet is the decreased bioavailability of protein; this leads to the meal not completely quenching one’s hunger. There is a lack of satiety or fullness in such a diet. Another drawback with a vegan diet is that a plant-based approach is not always agreeable with one’s digestive system, and people often end up with boating, flatulence, and bowel abnormalities. A vegan diet lacks the complete amino acid complement of an all -inclusive diet, which includes, dairy, eggs, and animal proteins . It also lacks the essential probiotics that are present in cultured dairies that have been consumed for years by different people groups all over the world.

All-inclusive Diet:

Today’s society promotes the concept that eating meat is unhealthy, yet our ancestors have eaten meat for thousands of years throughout history . Was their diet unhealthy? People groups who consume the Mediterranean diet, which has an abundance of seafood, dairy, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil, have a lower history of Heart disease and Diabetes when compared to other population groups. Some fats are cardioprotective and good levels of HDL ( a good fat) can be marked down by your doctor as a risk modifier.

Fish is marketed widely in regards to its health benefits. Its omega acid content is sold as capsules for everyone to take advantage of and is often prescribed by your internist or cardiologist. Omega 3 fatty acids contribute to heart, eye, and brain health- especially in growing children. These are Anti-inflammatory agents. We must note that it is essential to prefer wild caught as opposed to farm raised fish, because of the imbalance in the Omega 3 vs Omega 6 fatty acid content that can occur in fish raised in a fish farm. The natural way a fish grows to adulthood is always the better way! A Mediterranean diet is hailed as a very healthy diet. This diet abounds in fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and lean proteins . Such a diet is not deficient of the complete complement of amino acids that are needed, nor is it deficient in vital vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients that a plant-based diet may offer.

We were always designed to live in harmony with the environment and the food choices available to us.This scale has been tipped towards an imbalance with man’s intervention through science. We are facing the dilemma of the Genetic modification of food, which was started to feed the ever-increasing population demand. Even meats are altered by feeding cows, chickens, and other livestock foods that they were never designed for. This leads to early maturation and fattening, and a higher yield of meat. This is done even for simple things, like eggs and milk. The animals are fed growth hormones and a high carbohydrate diet, in-order to increase output and profit. All this at the expense of losing the health benefits of these God-given nutrients.

The food scientist comes out and says, ’’Go Vegan!’’. I would implore you to slow down. Let’s go back to the basics. We should consider choosing grass-fed livestock, free-range poultry, and wild-caught fish in addition to fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. These are some of the things we can do to ensure that we have a good choice of nutrients. It is also important to choose organic options when it comes to plant-based foods, dairy, and eggs. I think the key word is balance. Let us promote balance of the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Live strong and long!

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