Why do we need to avoid PFAS in our cooking ware and food packaging?

Why do we need to avoid PFAS in our cooking ware and food packaging?

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoalkyl substances (also called PFAS) are a group of chemicals used in several industrial fields but the most concerning use has been in nonstick cookware, food packaging, microwave popcorn bags, and other utensils. PFAS have been used in food packaging as they render the paper wraps impervious to grease and moisture in hamburgers, french fries, etc. This raises the question of the migration of these agents into the food we eat and the far-reaching health implications of ingesting these chemicals.

The Dilemma we face:

The inner coating on nonstick cookware when heated as part of the cooking process can release gases and chemicals that can contaminate the food we prepare. This can also happen in other food-related applications of these agents.

The Science:

  • Epidemiological studies have shown associations between thyroid dysfunction, immune dysregulation, liver disease, lipid and insulin dysregulation, cancer, and kidney dysfunction with PFAS exposure.

  • There is also more evidence linking reproductive and development anomalies with exposure to these agents—the worrisome fact is that there has been concordance in animal studies as well.

  • These agents tend to be used in a wide array of consumer products and exist in the water, food, air, and in our bodies. They can persist in a person's system for years—they have long half-lives.

Health implications:

  • Higher certainty of association: Thyroid disease, Liver disease, Kidney cancer, Testicular cancer, Developmental abnormalities in the fetus, as well as Reduced response to vaccine, and Low birth weights.

  • Lower certainty of association: Breast cancer, Inflammatory bowel disease, and Pregnancy induced high blood pressure.

From the above discussion, we can see that awareness and avoidance are key. As consumers and people who strive for the optimum health of ourselves and our families, we must try to avoid ingesting these chemicals in our food. As always, my goal is to arm you with knowledge. I pray that you will keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!