Why an excess consumption of refined carbohydrates is bad for you?

In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, there has been an excess consumption of simple and refined carbohydrates in the form of the Western diet. The diet is no longer confined to the west and has infiltrated almost every nation on the globe, creating an epidemic of so-called western diseases that include heart disease, diabetes, metobolic syndrome, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Countries that were traditionally different in their ethnic heritage have embraced simple processed carbohydrates in the form of potato chips, fries, high-fat pizzas loaded with fatty cheeses, and fat-laden burgers as part of their common meals. In this section, we will delve into the science behind the harmful effects of this diet.
The human brain’s needs will account for about 25% of our metabolic expenditure, and energy in the form of glucose is needed to support the function of various organs, including the kidney, bone marrow, red blood cells, and brain.
This glucose is provided through diet as well as through the intestinal fermentation of carbohydrates and glucose formation.
The microbiota, or organisms in the gut, support this process by facilitating the breakdown of fiber, producing short-chain fatty acids, and playing a role in controlling satiety signals. This happens when we consume a fiber-rich diet. A western diet degrades these normal processes.
Repeated intake of highly processed simple carbohydrates can activate mood signals in the brain and elevate mood the same way drugs of addiction can work.
Over the long term, higher volumes of the same foods are needed to attain the same pleasurable responses, creating a dependency on these unhealthy foods.
This process is further worsened as reward pathways in the brain develop heightened reward signals or cues that compel people to eat these foods when looking at images in society and TV programming that focus on this unhealthy lifestyle.
Fluctuation in serotonin levels caused by the intake of these foods can further worsen conditions like anxiety, depression, mania, seasonal affective disorders, and even aggressive behaviors.
Intake of refined carbohydrates in excess puts people at increased risk for metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and various chronic diseases.
Avoidance of refined carbohydrates and consumption of carbohydrates from foods like vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fruits, etc. can decrease risk markers for cardiovascular disease and also protect against cancer.
From the above discussion, it is clear that an unhealthy choice of carbohydrates can worsen health. As always, I pray that you will keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!