February Newsletter: Difficult Conversations

February Newsletter: Difficult Conversations

February is always a wonderful month to look forward to the onset of spring—a time of new beginnings, renewal, and new strength after the winter months. We are all off to a new start after the New Year, and this is the time we need to focus on our loved ones and have conversations that we have never had before.

Difficult conversations are tedious to have, but if you see your child, spouse, or friend sinking slowly but surely in the quicksand, it is time to speak up! Love is kind and forgiving, but it also witnesses the truth. If you fail to bear witness to the truth in a kind and courteous manner, you have missed your part in what you are calling a relationship.

We are seeing the emergence of a "fatherless generation" among young people who have no direction or principles to anchor themselves in their lives. Every single life is important in God’s eyes; every single person was fearfully and wonderfully made, yet these lives have been wasted because people like ourselves have not fulfilled our roles in relationships. Relationships mean responsibility, yet today’s generation wants excitement and fun without it—there is no such thing! It is a privilege to be in a relationship with a spouse, a child, a friend, etc. God places the lonely in families—so use your role to influence the people around you in a positive way!

This Month in the Kitchen, we will explore the nutritional profile of Peanuts, and we will make a Gluten-free Coconut Banana Cake in our Recipe Section. We will also describe why coffee can be beneficial to health in our Monthly Why section. As always, I wish and pray that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!