July Newsletter: Where is my Peace?

July Newsletter: Where is my Peace?

As humans we live our lives seeking after a rest, a rest from everyday troubles, a rest from the workplace, from problems in the family, from sickness and disease, from financial issues, and on and on. This rest we search for is called peace, which seems almost elusive most of the time. This peace is sought after in the vacations we take, and in the money we make and the wealth we build; however, have you noticed that there never seems to be enough money and enough possessions or wealth that give us this peace?

Our minds have been constantly programmed to think about the worst outcomes for almost every scenario in our lives. So, what does that tell us? It reinforces the truth that the battlefield is in our minds. Sometimes we find these issues plaguing us now plagued the minds of our fathers and mothers. As physicians, we always ask about family history and behaviors. Why do we ask these questions? Does it imply that the way we were raised can affect our future? Well, I think we all know that the answer is yes! Years of wrong thinking patterns, and years of seeing wrong living patterns can affect you well into adulthood. You may get married to the best of people, but the baggage is still in you, and this will rob you of enjoying a great relationship with your spouse as you are constantly accosted by the past. What memories are affecting your life now? Take time to think about this. Has this affected your state of wellbeing and placed you in a constant state of turmoil? Well, it may very well be the case.

Take inventory over your thoughts and memories and take the negative thoughts captive to the truth. What is the truth? Well, the truth is that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and have a destiny and a purpose for good. Meditate on the good and leave out the bad—make this a habit. This might not happen overnight, but slowly and surely you will change your thinking patterns and change the course of your life, for as you think so will you be, because you always move in the direction of your dominant thoughts.

This Month in the Kitchen we will make Dal Makhani—not your Mama’s recipe! We will also discuss Chia seeds in our Ingredient Spotlight. In our Monthly Why section, we will discuss why optimism and healthy thinking patterns can transform your life. As always, I wish that you keep health as your priority and live long and strong!