Chia seeds - Salvia Hispanica L.

Chia is a plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae. It is presently grown throughout South America, Australia, and Europe (Green Houses). The plant grows in mountainous regions. History shows that it may have been cultivated and used in Ancient Mesopotamia as well. The seeds are rich in vital nutrients and we will explore the properties of Chia as follows:
Nutritional Profile:
The Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, protein, and dietary fiber. The seeds are also rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. The fiber content of chia seeds exceeds that of dried fruits. It is important to note that the omega-3 fatty acid content in Chia seeds exceeds that of flax seeds. Chia seeds are gluten free and are an excellent source of minerals like phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Chia seeds are also rich in B vitamins ( B1, B2, and Niacin).
Health promoting effects:
Glucose control: In experimental models in lab animals, Chia helps with glucose control. Consumption of bread fortified with Chia seeds also led to a lower postprandial glucose level. Chia seeds may help decrease/prevent insulin resistance that is associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetic states.
Protein source: The amino acid profile of Chia seeds comprises exogenous and endogenous amino acids that are well balanced, complete, and an excellent source for nutrition.
Effect on inflammatory markers: Consumption of Chia seeds was associated with lower levels of CRP, which is a prominent inflammatory marker that indicates chronic inflammatory processes.
Hepato-protective effect: When included in the diet, these seeds may also contribute to hepatic protection, causing a decrease in markers of liver damage.
Lipid effects: In experimental models, consumption of these seeds may promote a favorable lipid profile by decreasing the levels of total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides. The levels of HDL, which is cardio-protective, was increased .
Effect on Obesity: Experimental studies shows that lab animals fed on Chia seeds decreased their fat cell mass and increased in lean mass. A decrease in the visceral fat was also noted (excess visceral fat is the fat that mostly fuels inflammation in our body). Chia seeds also help control appetite by promoting satiety.
Immune system effects: Intake of Chia seeds with their high antioxidant content may also favorably affect our immune system and help prevent disease processes.
Chia seeds are nature's powerhouse. This tiny seed that was consumed by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs packs a punch! As always, I would encourage you to choose your food wisely, keep an emphasis on health, and live long and strong!