April Newsletter: Guard your thoughts

April Newsletter: Guard your thoughts

Mental well-being affects every area of your life, ranging from your health to relationships, productivity, spirituality, careers, and everything else not mentioned. It is the cornerstone of our long-term happiness. Yet we see so many unhappy people, so many crimes and acts of lawlessness. This gets you wondering: What are these people thinking? The truth is, it is exactly what they are thinking that gets them disturbed, unhappy, and even causes harm to other people. It all stems from a thought or idea. 

It is a well-known fact that as a person thinks, so shall their life be. Thoughts are powerful as they create actions that may be positive or negative. Well, why are we talking about this topic? The answer is because your thoughts are modified by what you meditate on, watch, and hear. So if the messaging you hear is traumatic and hurtful, it will create just that in your mind and affect your life accordingly. So take heed to what you meditate on—make sure it is uplifting, edifying, and truthful—and you will see your thought life transform based on what you feed your mind.

This month in the Kitchen, we will discuss Annatto in our ingredient spotlight, and we will also be making gluten-free banana blondies in our recipe section. In our Monthly Why section, we discuss why microplastics are harmful to our environment and food chain. As always, I would encourage you to stay curious about your health and nutrition and to live long and strong!

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