April Newsletter: Expect Change!

These past two years have been very out of the normal for one and all. Amid the chaos let me dare you to expect better things! Resist the temptation to think that things will not get better. Some people call it common sense, but there is another word for it: pessimism!
Have you noticed that people who are upbeat and cheerful seem to get more out of life than the naysayers? This is a fact. It is proven in science that patients that expect to get better mostly get better and live longer.
There may be a lesson that everyone can learn, whether you believe it or not, expectation matters! What is your expectation today? Is it to thrive or fade away slowly? Don't be surprised when you get what you're expecting! Yes, it is a dangerous thought, but try to put a stop sign on erratic, crazy expectations of death and catastrophe. Your battlefield is won or lost in your mind. If you set your mind to achieve something, there is a very high probability of success.
This Month in the Kitchen, we will make Spicy Orange Chicken. We will explore Bananas in our Ingredient Spotlight, and in our Monthly Why section we will talk about why alcohol consumption needs to be moderated and decreased. As always, I wish that you keep a focus on your health and live long and strong!