February - A season to stay focused on the bigger picture in life!

February  - A season to stay focused on the bigger picture in life!

Things have cooled off from the busy holiday months of November and December. New year resolutions were made in the previous month, and these resolutions are fading with the busy and fast pace of life. My encouragement would be to stay focused on your goals, no matter how many curve balls get thrown in your direction. Don’t allow life to inflict a scar on you, you make a mark on life. Your life is an open book waiting for you to write in, not others. Start writing the pages of your life with endurance and patience. Keep integrity and honesty as your compass.

I always think about what makes me happy. I have always encountered the same answer, when I have made someone else happy, joy seems to spring up in my life. Treat others the way you would like to be treated, so make a decision to clothe yourself with compassion. How will you treat the mean spirited people that you encounter? You treat them with compassion. This is simply because this shows you are more mature and are more confident in who you are. The more immature a person is, the quicker their negative response. Their immaturity shows in their reactions. Let us be less reactive and more proactive in our approach. Imagine if everyone practiced this philosophy, the world would become a better place overnight.

Life is about relationships, all the way from birth, until the time we are called home to our heavenly abode. We make the most of life, when we focus on relationships. February is an important month for my family as my daughter’s birthday comes up in this month. I realize that a birthday can be a time to reinforce our families’ bonds with each other and listen to everyone’s point of view, irrespective of their ages. I see so many people living a miserable existence because of what happened to them, which can be very hurtful. Don’t let life happen to you, why don’t you let yourself happen to life ! Meaning, make your identity count. Make a decision that others’ bad actions or decisions cannot affect your life forever. You may appear down in the dumps for a while, but make a decision to rise up because you are worth the effort. I want you to stay encouraged and run your race with patience and endurance. It will not count that you started the race, whatever that may be- writing a book, starting a new job, raising a child, or starting a business. It depends on how you finish the race, and that cannot happen if you do not focus on patience and endurance, which comes again through discipline, a learned behavior, and you are never too old to learn!

This month in the Kitchen we will be exploring about why Stress management is so important. We will showcase Indian style Atlantic Salmon Puttu and Oven Baked Indian style Chimi-churri Fish. Make health a priority and live long and strong!