March 2020 - Stay true to who you are - Authenticity matters !

As I write this Month’s newsletter I look at the things that really matter and one of the big things on my list was authenticity. We are looking for it everywhere! We look for it in the government, relationships, places of worship, the education system and in all places in the marketplace. There are counterfeits in all these areas who are defeating the purposes of the institutions they are serving. Authenticity is the key to distinguishing yourself from the crowd, so embrace it!
There are many people who have become imitators of someone else and thereby shun what really defines who they are. We are not all good at everything, but we are certainly good at something, and that something is the key to your success in every facet of your life !
Why do we change ourselves when positions and roles change, is it not because we didn't believe in who we were to start off with? In many cases pride set in and ruins the banner of authenticity and creates a mutant version of yourself.
Be authentic, if you really want to help, help! If you really want to do good, do it! Don't carry on vain conversations of things you really don't want to do, it makes you look fake, foolish and it will end with you feeling miserable. Yes, it will slowly rot away at who you are at the core! Be a person of your word and live with integrity. When you practice good and speak truthfully respecting others and yourself you will bring out your most valued traits for all to see, so having said that, let your light so shine for all to see!
This month in the kitchen we will discuss cauliflower in our ingredient spotlight and make Spicy braised Cauliflower and Shrimp in tomato sauce. In our monthly why we will discuss artificial sweeteners and their long term health implications. As always I wish that you stay positive, eat wisely and live long and strong