July Newsletter: Bring forth blossoms in adversity!

July Newsletter: Bring forth blossoms in adversity!

Adversity has no respect for who you are or where you come from, it is totally oblivious of your socioeconomic status, age, color or even education. It can show up suddenly and challenge you to keep breathing. Situations sometimes turn around for the better, but sometimes for the worse.

Adversity will test what you are really made up of. Are you really as strong as you profess yourself to be, or do you really have the strong Faith and belief that you claim to have, or even do you really love your family and will you stand by as a strong foundation in the midst of dire situations? Yes, adversity will answer all these questions. It will build strength where there was already a strong foundation, and it will cause unraveling of every bit of flimsy foundation you thought was solid.

My advice would be to not wait to find out when adversity comes knocking but build yourself now. As a weight trainer trains with a gradual increase in weights and resistance training, build your character up so it can face the challenges of life. If you fill yourself up with every bit of nonsense you see on television and the internet it will pollute you and distort your thinking and you will not be able to solve situations, so choose carefully what you read, what you listen to, and what you view. Choose the right company wisely. Believe it or not, they will impact you one way or the other at the subconscious level and cause you to deviate in your life goals.

This Month in the Kitchen we will discuss on Omega 3 fatty acids and their role in good health in our Monthly Why Section. We will also talk about Nutmeg in our Ingredient Spotlight and make Roasted Pepper Salsa in our Recipe Section. As always, I wish that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!