August Newsletter: Rise above the naysayers and abusers

August Newsletter: Rise above the naysayers and abusers

Life takes several turns and twists for every individual—if this has not happened yet, it probably means you have not really lived life yet. Through all these trials we must learn to endure and move on and finish the destiny our Creator designed for us.

Everybody's destiny is just as important as the other person as we were all fearfully and wonderfully made. People may push you down and sometimes even your own flesh and blood may play the role of abuser and tormenter—this is the nature of man. But not all is lost, our Creator still has a plan for you. A plan that it is worth your effort, and if you persevere and don't lose hope, you will succeed.

Life is not for the faint-hearted—it is for the warrior and my question to you is this: Will you be an overcomer or will you be the one being overcome? This is something only you can answer. As I said, your own parents and flesh and blood may be against you as people are selfish and cruel, but we must push forward. As hard as it is to believe, I have seen parents who curse their own children, siblings who hatch plans against their own, spouses working against each-other, and friends betraying friends in jealousy. This message may not be pertinent to all the folks who have had glossy childhoods and happy lives till this point, but I’m speaking to the ones who have gone though child abuse, spousal abuse, and partner abuse. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse day in and day out. I’m speaking to the ones who hide the shame of rape and incest, etc.

Your life matters and there is a reason you're here. You have a Creator who loves you, so stay in the fight and in due season you will reap the harvest! People are always heaping condemnation on other people, it does not matter how hard you try or what you have done, they always find a reason to puncture a hole into your reputation. Remember, our Creator does not judge the way people do—He is love and His intention is to build up and not to tear down, so stay strong!

This Month in the Kitchen we will make a sweet treat—Coconut milk with tapioca pearls. In our Monthly Why section we will discuss why PCBs are detrimental to health and how we can avoid them. Lastly, in our Health Spotlight we will discuss the benefits of Neem. As always, I pray that you stay focused on your health and mental well-being and live long and strong!