December newsletter : Value people above material things!

December newsletter : Value people above material things!

It seemed like we just started the year and surprisingly we are at the end! It is true, time is no respecter of persons and waits for no one. I have realized that we may often take for granted the wonderful people who have been introduced to bring grace and beauty into our complicated lives. People are the most important aspect of our existence.

Life is sweeter and kinder as a result of dedicated and reciprocity sprinkled relationships. Where would we be if it were not for those exceptional connections that the Almighty has brought into our lives? Cherish these Angels in every respect, they maybe teachers, friends, colleagues or even crossing guards. Everyday, normal people who walk with integrity and respect and make our days easier and lovelier.

This holiday season value the wonderful people more than material gifts. Life is a gift that is made more worthwhile by loving and sharing with the people in your lives !

This month in the kitchen, we will explore why we should avoid synthetic emulsifiers, we will explore the benefits of Paprika and in our kitchen we will make scrumptious paprika and lemon-chili shrimp. As always I wish you make wise decisions , stay blessed as you live long and strong!