May Newsletter: A World Changed!

May Newsletter: A World Changed!

We are all aware of the brevity of life and the various upheavals people experience in their everyday walk. These past few years have been a reminder that will stay with us for years to come on how things we took for granted could change overnight. Simple things like sharing a dinner with friends, going to the movie theatre, and mundane, everyday things changed overnight. This reminds us that Life is meant to be cherished every step of the way. We need to be thankful for the people we interact with.

What is the Human life all about? It is about the way you interact with one another. It is about showing compassion, respect, love, forgiveness, and helping one another the best we can. We don't want to reach the very end of our lives and realize that we have been treating people with contempt and hate all the time, that would be the worst way to leave this earth.

Life is wonderful when you choose the right thing amidst the trying circumstances, when you choose respect and consideration over hatred, when you choose honesty over cheating, and so on. I would encourage you to take a step in being kind, truthful, loving, and helpful. Your actions are seeds and what you sow you will reap!

This Month in the Kitchen we will be making tangy, spicy poached eggs cooked in a rich tomato curry. We will explore the Cashew nut in our Ingredient/Health spotlight and we will also delve into why diet and lifestyle can play a role in Alzheimer's prevention in our Monthly Why. As always, I wish you keep your health in center focus and that you live long and strong!