Priya Jagannathan

Nutmeg : Myristica fragrans

Priya Jagannathan
Nutmeg : Myristica fragrans

This Spice is the seed from an evergreen tree that can reach up to 20 meters in height and was originally cultivated in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Caribbean Islands. The lemon-like fruit contains the nutmeg kernel which is encased by a reddish, net-like spongy tissue called aril or arillus (nutmeg mace).This highly prized spice has some unique chemical properties that we will review in this section.

Chemical composition:

Both the kernel and the arillus contain essential oils, fixed oils, carbohydrates, proteins, resins, and pigments that are responsible for the characteristic aroma and taste of the spice. They are also rich in phenolic compounds like caffeic acid, ferulic acid, lignans, neolignans, protocatechuic acid, flavonoids, cyanidins, etc. Mace and Nutmeg are usually processed separately.

In folklore, Nutmeg was used to treat colic, flatulence and in some cases, parasitic infections. In this section, we understand that we do not have scientific evidence to back these claims.

Scientific examinations have confirmed some of the pharmacological effects of nutmeg include its antioxidant, anti-diarrheal, and antimicrobial properties.

Experimental studies in rats indicate some cardioprotective effects that still need to be confirmed by clinical studies.

Extracts from Nutmeg have been found in experimental studies to have antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Though nutmeg is deemed to be generally recognized as safe by the FDA, it has potent anti-cholinergic properties ( urinary, bowel, visual , cardiovascular, central nervous system effects etc.) when consumed in high doses (teaspoon). This can affect lactation in breastfeeding mothers and have other harmful effects.

In the above discussion we have looked at the chemical composition of Nutmeg. We must realize that this is not a replacement for medications prescribed by your healthcare physician but rather a spice used sparingly in culinary preparations. As always, I pray that you keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!