Why is it difficult to keep the weight off?

Why is it difficult to keep the weight off?

Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic with more than 40% of the American population being classified as obese. There are so many diets and pills out in the market that add to the confusion and frustration in understanding the physiology of weight gain. In this section we are going to detail some of the challenges faced by people who are trying to get healthy and lose the weight.

Physiological need: An Average adult requires about 1300-1400kcal/day, but the consumption is about 2000-2500kcal/day—this is about 1.5 to 2 times more than required. This would require our bodies’ physiological processes to dispose of at least 50% of the calories for optimum weight maintenance.

Some Factors that cause weight gain:

  • Foods - Various factors affect weight gain, this includes the intake of energy-rich foods that are high in sugar and fats, as well as processed foods. Emulsifiers and other food additives are agents that increase the intake of food and hunger, thereby causing weight gain. High salt foods secondary to processing can also increase hunger, cravings, and weight gain.

  • Circadian rhythm - This rhythm is your normal biological clock, and when there are disturbances in this system secondary to stress, fragmented sleep, and intake of foods at night, this causes an increase in certain hormones that fuel weight gain. Night consumption of foods affect glucose metabolism and increase weight gain. These fluctuations can also harmfully affect beneficial bacteria in your gut that also play a role in energy metabolism. So, if you are trying to keep your weight in the normal range, try very hard to correct the above factors.

  • Exercise - Adequate exercise of about 150-250 minutes a week under the supervision of your healthcare provider can decrease inflammation in the brain and help reset the energy metabolism factors involved in your brain. This also creates healthy muscles, which play a vital role in your health and metabolism. Resistance exercise must also be considered 2-3 days of the week to improve muscle health.

Weight control/Energy metabolism is a process that is influenced by multiple factors as listed above and is also affected by several genetic predispositions. I would advise you to stay in touch with your provider and have tests done to rule out hormone deficiencies that may also contribute to weight gain. As always, stay informed about your health and I wish you live long and strong!