Lentil Soup with Chinese Broccoli and Shredded coconut

Lentil Soup with Chinese Broccoli and Shredded coconut


1. Bunch of Chinese Broccoli -sliced small

2. 1/2 onion -sliced thinly

3. 1 sprig curry leaves -cut into thin strips

4. 1 Jalapeño -minced finely

5. 1 inch of peeled ginger -minced finely

6. 1/2 teaspoon of ground Organic Turmeric powder

7. 1 tomato - cut small

8. 1 tablespoon of sesame oil

9. 1 cup of shredded coconut

10. 2 cups of yellow lentils -washed and soaked in water for 2 hours

11. Salt to taste

12. 1 Bunch of fresh cilantro -cut small


Heat the oil in a pressure cooker for 5 minutes and add onions, ginger, Jalapeño, curry leaves, and then sauté.

After some browning, add the tomato, turmeric, soaked lentils, Chinese broccoli, and shredded coconut.

Add salt to taste, 2 cups of water, and then pressure cook for 1/2 hour.

Allow the pressure cooker to depressurize - this may take 10-15 min.

Garnish with freshly cut cilantro and serve with bread, brown/white rice, quinoa or a lean protein.

This recipe is rich in protein, phytonutrients, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and healthy oils. The shredded coconut adds a richness and nutty flavor that you will enjoy any day of the year. The pressure cooker helps soften the lentils to the perfect consistency. Enjoy this soup with complementary sides, and cherish the sites and smells of summer. From my kitchen to yours, I wish, as always, that you live long and strong!

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