Ingredient Spotlight: Pumpkin

Ingredient Spotlight: Pumpkin


Pumpkin is a native plant to the Americas. The Pumpkin fruit is loaded with antioxidants and carotenoids. Let us explore some scientific facts about pumpkin:

1.Excellent Diet food: One cup of pumpkin is only 50 calories and can be used roasted,cooked in stews, sauces, and in stir fry dishes. It is an excellent substitute to carbohydrates like rice, bread, yams, and potatoes.

2.Active ingredient in seeds: Cucurbitin, lutein, carotene, and beta carotene

3.Medicinal properties:

• The oil in pumpkin seed may have a role in androgenic patterns of hair loss, however, this is still under study.

• The Pumpkin seed oil may also help in Benign prostatic enlargement, however, this must be discussed with a trained physician prior to considering use.

4.Nutrition in pulp: Cooked pumpkin is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

5.Role in Vision and Skin health : The zeaxanthin and lutein help promote healthy vision and protect your skin from sun damage.

6. Excellent source of Fiber: Promotes normal bowel movements that is critical to cholesterol excretion and excretion of toxins from your system.

7. Caution- Potential medication interaction: Pumpkin seed and fruit may increase levels of certain medications, like lithium, by slowing its excretion.

8.Nutrition in seeds: Pumpkin seeds are rich in potassium, zinc, magnesium, and plant-based omega fatty acids.

9.Potential Sleep aid: Pumpkin seeds are rich in tryptophan, which helps promote sleep.

10. Role in Diabetes: Pumpkin is also known to have insulin regulating effects that help diabetic patients

Note:Always consult with your physician when making changes to your diet, such that decisions can be made based on the medications you are on.

Stay well informed by staying up-to-date with your scheduled doctor visits and live, long and strong!