Winged bean—Psophocarpus tetragonolobus

This bean, which is also called dragon bean, is rich in vital nutrients. It is grown as a legume in parts of the world, especially Southeast Asia. In this section, we will explore the nutritional profile of this legume.
Important features:
This bean is a good source of protein and fatty acids.
The winged bean is also rich in phosphorus, iron, and vitamin B, and its essential amino acid composition is similar to that of the soy bean.
Some toxic components, like cyanide, have been reported in these seeds.
Different parts of the plant, including the seeds, pod, flowers,leaves, and tuber, are edible, and it is a good source of nutrients.
The tubers are a major source of food as well and are often boiled and used in various dishes.
There are different legumes out there, and it is important to evaluate what you are eating and what the benefits are. Nutrition is vital to health. As always, I pray that you keep your health and nutrition in center focus and live long and strong!