Why should you stop smoking?

Why should you stop smoking?

Smoking: Why should you stop?

Smoking causes several medical problems and increases mortality nationally and internationally. It is the number one cause of Lung cancer. Having said that, let us discuss some important points about smoking.

Did you know?

1. Smoking cessation can cause benefits within a few minutes of smoking:

  • A person’s resting heart rate returns to normal as the effect of nicotine wears off.

  • Carbon monoxide levels decrease in the blood.

2. Smoke from cooking ,heating, air pollution, and automobile exhaust, can also be an important risk factor to causes disorders in the lungs, like asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer over the long term.

3.Second hand smoking, like being exposed to an individual who smokes over a long period of time, can have some of the same harmful effects as someone who smokes.

4. Smoking increases the incidence of lung disease in the form of worsening asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.

5. Smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of complications in the growing fetus and can lead to complications in development.Therefore, it is of paramount importance for pregnant women to stop smoking ASAP.

6. Smokers who smoke many cigarettes can reap benefits simply by cutting back to less than 10-15 cigarettes daily. Ultimately, stopping entirely should be the goal.

7.Cigar smoking and pipe smoking still increase the risk of lung cancer.

8.The effect of E- cigarettes on the incidence of lung cancer is still being studied.

9. Smoking causes adverse effects in lung function and decreases athletic performance, which may serve as another factor to encourage stopping.

10.Continued regular smoking leads to Nicotine dependence.

Now that you understand the impact of smoking on the human body, consider very carefully the decisions that you make. What you do will impact you in the future. After all, you have only one body. Treat your body well and it will serve you well over the longterm to accomplish your goals and destiny!