Ingredient Spotlight : Eggplant - Solanum Melongena

Ingredient Spotlight : Eggplant - Solanum Melongena

Eggplant, otherwise known as Aubergine or Brinjal, is one of the most versatile vegetables (also known as a fruit) that has been used in cultures throughout the world to augment the flavors experienced by our taste buds.

We all know how good they taste, but from a physician's standpoint let me tell you about the nutritional powerhouse encapsulated within this glossy, mostly purple beauty. Let us explore these qualities as follows:

  • Role in hypertension: Hypertension remains an important risk factor in the precipitation of end organ disease and death. In experimental models, eggplants were observed to exert an anti-hypertensive effect by suppressing the sympathetic nervous system and decreasing the secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in chronic usage.

  • Role of cooking: When eggplant is cooked, the thermal effect seems to increase the concentration of beneficial antioxidants like chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid; this enhances the antioxidant effect of this food, which is beneficial in chronic disease prevention.

  • Nutritional profile: Eggplant is rich in vitamin C and A , beta-carotene, fiber, phytonutrients, and phenolic components like nasunin (an Anthocyanin in eggplants).

  • Cardioprotective effect: Eggplant has  cardioprotective effects when included in the diet.

  • Antimutagenic effects: In experimental models, eggplant was shown to have possible protective effects against DNA damage and mutation, which help protect individuals from cancer development.

Having elaborated about the various features of this lustrous veggie, I hope you incorporate this into your diet, and live long and strong!