September Newsletter: What will you choose to meditate on?

September Newsletter: What will you choose to meditate on?

As we approach fall, we look forward to cooler weather and relief from the heat. We are already approaching the much-awaited holiday seasons in the next couple of months. This is a time of recollection for me, as I think of the many avenues of life, I have traversed not knowing many lingering dangers and pitfalls that I could have easily fallen into!

But for the Grace of my Creator things could have gone in the wrong direction. I feel remembrance can lead us in two different areas—When we remember the Grace shown to us, we move forward in gratitude and courage, but when we remember the bad, it sets us back further.

So, what will you choose to remember this month? Will you dwell on the good or the bad? This is your choice. We have seen how it goes in reality television where the host rehearses the bad in an aim to increase their ratings, but does that help the affected person? No, it drives them deeper into victimhood—You can never move forward as a victim, it's impossible! We have all been victims in this lifetime, but I prefer being a victor. I would encourage you to reset your mind to focus on the blessings and this will cause them to grow. Meditate on blessings and speak only blessings and watch your life turn around and make an impact in this world.

This Month in the Kitchen we will make fresh beautiful salads to highlight Veggie Power! We will discuss blueberries in our Ingredient Spotlight and in our Monthly why we will discuss on—why we have to protect ourselves from eating food doused with synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. Stay hungry for information, and always keep your health and wellbeing in center focus and live long and strong!