Why unchecked Fear and Stress will destroy your outlook in life?

Why unchecked Fear and Stress will destroy your outlook in life?

Fear and stress are a combination of physiological, psychological, and behavioral adaptations that are designed to help us cope with the situations that we face in life. These adaptations were meant to help us and not harm us; however unchecked fear and stress can have the very opposite effect on one’s state of wellbeing and aggravate mental health and adversely affect physical wellbeing. We will explore in this section the consequences of unchecked Fear and Stress as follows:

Everyday coping: When Fear and stress are in pathological states, this handicaps a person to the extent that they are unable to function in normal everyday situations like work, travel, social interaction and even education. The Fear and Stress of failure, and interaction with other individuals causes the affected person to be in a constant state of turmoil that never resolves. This may also be because of behavioral conditioning that has happened at a psychological level in the person's earlier years.

Thinking Patterns: When wrong thinking patterns are put in place early in life the affected person is constantly drawing from ideologies and ways of doing things, this can create a vicious cycle that feeds off the stress created amidst new goals, relationships, and situations that people face as they progress through the different phases of life. The wrong self image that may have been created by words spoken over individuals by parents, elders or anyone in authority can hamper the individuals well into their adult life. With all the effort put in by these people, they never feel satisfied with their efforts or themselves.

Predisposing Factors: There are environmental , behavioral, and genetic factors that can predispose an individual to unchecked Fear and Stress. This can involve parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles who have suffered from conditions pertaining to mental health and wellbeing. We know that conditions like depression can run in family lines, having said that it is important to look back at the mental condition of parents, relatives and siblings and deduce similarities in behavioral patterns and handicaps in coping with everyday life stresses. This will give insight into some behavioral patterns that can be changed to better one’s life. Abuse at any level (verbal, emotional, physical, sexual ) and abandonment by parents, can leave handicaps that can creep well into adult life, therefore never be afraid to correct the poor self-image created by abuse that was inflicted earlier in life.

Medical Help: Unchecked Fear and Stress can create abnormal levels of chemicals in one’s brain and lead to abnormal hormone levels in the body that can fuel hypertension, headaches, insomnia, weight gain and other disorders that contribute to chronic disease. Therefore, it is critical for everyone to contact their health care professional for help, whether this involves counseling, mindfulness, behavioral modifications, exercise, or medications.

To conclude our discussion, let us be clear that unchecked Fear and Stress have real physical, emotional, and behavioral consequences that should not be let to fester and prevail. Every problem has a solution, and it is important for each person to seek out the solution and live our lives long and strong!