Why Do Thoughts and Words Influence Our Lives?

Why Do Thoughts and Words Influence Our Lives?

Worrying in the form of thoughts and words can have a long-term negative outcome on the way individuals perceive themselves and their goals in life. This is seen in children and adults alike. We see that people with excessive worry usually have a lower expectation of success in their day-to-day activities and have a very diminished outlook for the future.

Repeated practice of worry in the form of thoughts that are then followed by words can affect the worrier and the people around them for years to come. People say that words cannot hurt them, but the truth of the matter is that these are the worst forms of emotional damage that a person can be subjected to. Children who went through abuse in the form of words have wounds of low esteem and fear that are carried well into adulthood which will scar their lives forever if these negative thinking patterns are not corrected.

Words don't come from our mouth without deep rooted thinking patterns. Thoughts generate words that may either bless or cripple the hearer. Crippling may be emotional and could become physical as the thoughts and words of negativity are constantly meditated upon. This is not some psychological mumbo- jumbo but the truth. It is important for you to examine what you meditate upon. Even the lyrics you hear from a very popular song may have long term negative impacts on your thinking later—so be careful what you listen to.

Examine the content of your thoughts and your words. Remember, your words were generated from your thoughts, so take inventory of the movies, video games, songs, and the company you keep. It may be popular, but is it good for you? This is the question you must ask yourself. You have a destiny that only you can accomplish, and this won't happen if your mind is derailed by paralyzing thoughts and words, so pay attention!

As always, I would encourage you to keep your health in center focus and live long and strong!